Hello there, nice of you to drop by wanting to know a little more about us behind LUCEO! Guess it’s all about the people, and in this case it's about one male (that would be me, Andreas) - a little messed up just coming out from a divorce, deciding to try this thing called Tinder. And then there’s this one woman, with broad life experience from both New York and Paris, flipping the Tinder choices. 

After the first date in (wow is all I will say) a trip to Barcelona was booked, and 4 weeks later off we went. Tip for everyone in the same situation, travel as soon as possible, best way to learn if you fit together and obviously we did.;) It's also on this trip where we first experienced CBD products. Cecilia (now you got her name) focusing on the face creams and their soothing and calming effects, while I geniously planted how CBD could be used for other areas. 

And from this trip, 4 weeks after our first date, we founded the idea behind LUCEO. But it wasn’t until a little later (in 2021) that timing was right, and that it all finally took shape in what we now can present as the brand LUCEO. 

We can’t put all the products out there as we would like, being a small shop and all, but eventually with time it will grow. Guess this is the essence of LUCEO, putting the best products out there (those we can stand behind) including great design, packaging and customer experience. We start with what we can, just a few chosen products for you to dip your toe in the skincare-world.

Apart from LUCEO, Cecilia & I have grown as a couple, we have challenged each other - ohhh my God - but that is part of life.;) With the launch of LUCEO we have now taken a step further on our journey. 

LUCEO btw, means light or shine in Latin, and we felt that’s really something that comes out of this. From the inside & out.

Super thrilled to have you with us! 


Andreas Bergh - Co-Founder & Business Development
Cecilia Ekmark - Co-Founder & Creative Director


Update - Januari 2025

Nu har det blivit dags för oss att stänga butiken.🖤 Det är inte utan vemod vi måste berätta att vi ska avsluta den här fantastiskt spännande resan med LUCEO. Andreas har tyvärr blivit väldigt sjuk så nu är dags att fokusera på hans välmånde och göra det till fullo. Men det sagt så blir det ett naturligt sätt att säga hej då till LUCEO. Det har varit obeskrivligt roligt och lärorikt att få göra den här resan med er och vem vet vad vi kommer hitta på i framtiden! Men nu stänger vi butiken och vill med det tacka för allt stöd dom här senaste åren.

Vi säker priserna på siten och ni är välkomna att göra era sista köp hos oss nu under den närmsta tiden. Hör av er om ni har några frågor eller funderingar! 

Och ta hand om er, samt era nära & kära.❤️ 

Puss & kram från oss! // Cia & Andreas



PS: Drop us a note, would love to hear what you think! info@luceoluceo.com